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Account Master


This option allows to add and maintain various Account Groups and their respective Accounts. The Account Groups are defined under the Main Account Group Heads (i.e., Expense, Income, Liability and Asset). The Account Groups can further have Sub Groups and various Accounts under them.


IMMS allows to maintain up to two levels of Sub-Groups under each Account Group. Each Account Group as well as Sub-Groups can consist of Accounts. Further you can change names of the Account Groups and also specify the order of the groups in which the Trial Balance, Profit & Loss Account and the Balance Sheet reports should be printed.


Screen Layout of Account Master


Accounts can be added, edited, and viewed provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so.


To 'Add' a new Account Group or Account, click on the button and to 'Edit', a particular Account Group or Account, click on the button.


As you can see the screen has been divided into two sections. The Left Hand section (Group List) displays a list of Main Account Group Heads (i.e., Expense, Income, Liability and Asset) and the Right Hand section (Account Group/Code Details) displays the details of the selected Account Group / Account Sub Group / Account.

Field Description of Account Master

Group List

Click on the '+' sign to expand the Main Account Group Head. Once the Main Account Group Head is expanded, you can again expand any Account Group belonging to that Main Account Group Head by clicking on the '+' sign. If the Account Group further has Sub Groups under it, you can expand them as well. For example, in the screen below, the Main Account Group Head 'Asset' is expanded and Account Group 'Investment' under it is expanded further to display its various Sub Groups. The Sub Group 'Non-current Investments' has a few Accounts under it such as , '0001-Sihor Nag Bank Share', '0002-Var Co Op Bank Share' and so on.



Now an Account Group can further have multiple Sub-Groups as well as Accounts under it. An Account Sub Group can further have Sub-Groups as well as Accounts under it.


Account Group/Code Details

The Right Hand section of the screen shows details of the Account Group, Account Sub Group or Account whenever a particular Account Group, Sub Group or Account is selected in the Group List tree.


In case the Account Group or Sub Group is selected in the Group List tree, following options will be displayed -


Click on 'Add New Group' button to add a new Account Group or Sub Group.

Click on 'Add New Account' button to add a new Account under the selected Account Group or Sub Group.

Click on 'Edit Group' button to edit the details of selected Account Group or Sub Group.


Main Group Code & Description:

Main Group Code - (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 2)

Main Group Description - (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 50)


Specifies the Main Group Code and Description for the Account Group.

While 'Adding', enter a unique Code for the new Account Group being added under the selected Account Group Head (i.e., Expense, Income, Liability, Asset). Also enter the description for this new Account Group Code in the adjacent space provided. This is the Code and Name by which an Account Group will be referred throughout IMMS.


In case of 'Edit', you can only change the Description of the selected Account Group. You can not change its Code.

Sub Group Code & Description:

Sub Group Code - (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 2)

Sub Group Description - (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 50)


Specifies the Sub Group Code and Description for the Account Sub Group.

While 'Adding', enter a unique Code for the new Account Sub Group being added under the selected Account Group. Also enter the description for this new Account Sub Group Code in the adjacent space provided. This is the Code and Name by which an Account Sub Group will be referred throughout IMMS.


In case of 'Edit', you can only change the Description of the selected Account Sub Group. You can not change its Code.

Group Type:

Specifies the type of selected Account Group or Account Sub Group.

All the Accounts created under this Group Code will inherit the same Group type. Group Types are pre defined for each Group Code. You can choose the Group Type suitable for the new Group. IMMS provides following Group Types:










Other Income



Misc. Purchases











Fixed Assets



Advance Received from Debtors








Retention from Creditors

Advance given to Creditors





    Others Others

While 'Adding', select an appropriate option from the given popup.


In case of 'Edit', automatically shows the value as per the selected Group Code. You can not change it.

Group Order No:

(Type : Numeric, Length : 3)

Specifies the Order in which the selected Account Group or Account Sub Group should be shown in reports.

While 'Adding', enter the unique Order number.


In case of 'Edit', Group Order No is displayed automatically as per the selected Group Code. You can change it but it should be unique.

Sub Code for Group:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)

Specifies the Sub Code of the selected Account Group or Account Sub Group.

While 'Adding', enter the Sub Code.


In case of 'Edit', Sub Code is displayed automatically as per the selected Group Code. You can change it.


In case the Account is selected in the Group List tree, following options will be displayed -


Click on 'Edit Account' button to edit the details of selected Account.


Group Code and Description:

Displays the Code and Description of the Account Group / Account Sub Group under which the Account exists for your information purpose. You can not change it.

Account Code & Description:

Account Code - (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 4)

Account Description - (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 50)


Specifies the Code and Name of the Account.

While 'Adding', enter the unique Code and Name for the Account. This is the Code and Name by which an Account will be referred to throughout IMMS.


In case of 'Edit', Account Code & Name are displayed automatically as per the selected Account Code. You can only change the Description and not the Code.

Ledger Code & Description:

Specifies the Ledger to which the Account belongs to.

While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of Ledgers that have already been defined through Ledger Master Entry option. Select your desired Ledger from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Ledger Code. Press <TAB>.


In case of 'Edit', Ledger Code & Name are displayed automatically as per the selected Account Code. You can not change them.

Currency Code & Description:

Specifies the Currency of the Account.

While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of Currencies that have already been defined through Currency Master option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Currency from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Currency Code. Press <TAB>.


In case of 'Edit', Currency Code & Name are displayed automatically as per the selected Account Code. You can not change them.

Schedule VI Group:

Specifies the Schedule VI Group of the Account.

While 'Adding', select the Schedule VI Group of the selected Account from the given popup. This popup is populated with all the Schedule VI Groups that have been defined for the Main Account Group Heads (i.e., Expense, Income, Liability and Asset) through Schedule-VI Group Master option.


In case of 'Edit', Schedule VI Group will be displayed automatically as per the selected Account Code. You can change it.

Sub Code For a/c Code:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)

Specifies the Sub Code of the selected Account.

While 'Adding', enter the Sub Code.


In case of 'Edit', Sub Code is displayed automatically as per the selected Account. You can change it.

Block Manual Posting for this Account

Denotes whether manual postings are allowed for the Account or not.


While 'Adding', turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if the Account is blocked and manual postings cannot be done for it. Otherwise keep the flag 'Off'.


In case of 'Edit', the status of this flag will be displayed automatically as per the selected Account Code. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


External Financial Head Detail

This option will be displayed only if the flag 'Need External Financial System Integration' is set to 'Yes' through Company Master option of Administrator Tools Module.

Top Parent Account Head:

This option allows to map the IMMS Account with its corresponding Account Head belonging to the External Finance software that your Company uses.


While 'Adding', click on the field to access a list of all Account Heads belonging to the External Finance Software. Select the desired Head by clinging on it.


In case of 'Edit', the Top Parent Account Head will be displayed automatically for the selected Account. It can not be changed.

Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to finally save the Account Groups or 'Cancel' button to discard.